Keith Boyd MD, Senior Associate Dean for Education, Rush University Medical Center’s Rush Medical College
Vinay Kumar MD, Chair, Dept. of Pathology, University of Chicago Pritzker Medical School; senior editor and author of Robbins & Cotran textbook series
Joel A. Michael Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Molecular Biophysics & Physiology, Rush University Medical Center’s Rush Medical College; expert in active learning systems
Scott D. Stern MD, Assistant Dean for Technology & Innovation, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine; author of Symptom to Diagnosis: An Evidence Based Guide
Robert Aiken, President & CEO, Feeding America (leading hunger-relief organization in America)
Roger Ferguson Ph.D., CEO TIAA-CREF, former Vice Chair Federal Reserve
Timothy R. Honaker, COO, Office of Technology & IP, University of Chicago
Dipak C. Jain Ph.D., Professor and former Dean of INSEAD and Dean Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Joe McDonough, VP Business Development, ArtistWorks (leading interactive online musical instruction company) & GSVLabs Ed Tech Mentor. Formerly Founder of VC fund Barrington Partners.